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blue cheese update & saccharomyces boulardii
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blue cheese update & saccharomyces boulardii

Hi everyone,

I wanted to update you all on my progress with the blue cheese protocol I've been doing. I've actually had to halt the blue cheese, not because it wasn't working, but because of the way it was working. It was basically making my candida symptoms go in reverse of the order I developed them in initially. This was great so far because I started off at a point where I was awake but hypervigilant and anxious all the time. This goes back to 5 years ago when I was extremely sedated from candida and sleeping about 18 hours a day. I discovered that anti-microbials such as grapefruit extract woke me up and seemed to eliminate many of my symptoms, but it was only a half-cure because I was left still not fully mentally clear, and hyper-aroused as I mentioned. So starting on the blue cheese, the hyper-arousal started to wear off but it dragged me back into the sedated phase. In the past few days this became too much to handle, so I halted the blue cheese.

Now for the good news. After my experience with the blue cheese, I wanted to discover if there were any other beneficial strains of fungus that I could try out that had been proven to battle candida. It turns out that there is a strain of yeast called Saccharomyces boulardii which has been proven to boost intestinal health and to eliminate candida. It overcrowds candida in the intestinal tract and blocks it from adhering to the intestinal lumen.

Earlier today I went to the local health food store and purchased a bottle of S. boulardii capsules. Within about 15 minutes of taking one, I noticed my muscles started feeling "dryer", almost as if I was drunk and this medicine was blocking the alcohol in my system. This "sobering up" feeling has gotten stronger, and as such I am feeling more and more in control of my body and mind.

Obviously it's still much too early to claim this as a success, but I thought it was important enough to share on here. I will continue to update on my progress with the S. bouldardii, which I plan on taking once a day.

I'm not claiming any cure-all or trying to tell anyone else what to take. I'm just sharing my personal story of battling candida. So take what I say with a grain of salt, always.

Take care,

P.S. - Saccharomyces boulardii is a harmless yeast closely related to baker's yeast. Not all fungi are bad, same as not all bacteria are bad, so don't let the fact that it's a yeast like candida scare you. That said, there is a note from the manufacturer stating that it should not be taken by people who are immunocompromised because it can cause a systemic infection in those people. I'm not immunocompromised aside from the candida so it's safe for me to take.


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