I am surprised how smart you are.!
I will develop this topic later to help the sufferers.
Honestly, your advice is one of the best I have seen lately.
I don't have time now to write about it, but I will do.
Ok, I have time to edit this post.
There is an effective way to treat chronic candidiasis using S. Cerevisiae. ( Baker Yeast ) It is really cheap and very effective against all candida species, even against the resistant strains.
The most important part of the treatment is to eliminate everything that be antibiotic, and that include GSE, Caprylic Acid, Oregano Oil, Undecenoic Acid, and all the natural substances that have antifungal activity but also bactericidal activity.
The worst offenders when we talk about chronic candidiasis are
Antibiotics . Almost all severe cases of CRC are caused by
Antibiotic intake. You need to eliminate everything that means
Antibiotic in order to recover. Unfortunately, all the natural substances with antifungal activity are powerful bactericidal.
In fact, there is more medical data confirming and studying the
Antibiotic activity of those substances than studying their antifungal activity.
Using Baker Yeast with a restrictive diet allows candida colonies eradication and the re-growth of the antagonistic bacterial flora.
In addition to the antagonistic effects of S. Cerevisiae against candida species, it has immune booster properties.
Taking Baker Yeast, you are ingesting high amounts of Beta Glucan. Beta Glucan is an extremely effective immune booster able to modulates and activates a depressed cell-mediated immunity.
As a complement of this very effective treatment, you can do high enemas to clean the colon of toxic matter and dead tissue as a result of the active fungal infection.
It is my opinion that a dedicated and disciplined person following this treatment could be totally candida free in a period of 3 or 4 months.