Re: myriad of symptoms, don't know where to start, pleast help
First of all, get your D levels up to optimum level of 60-80 ng/mL.
You can have your dr check your levels using the 25 hydroxy D test or they can be purchased online to do at home.
Get the gut bacteria functioning because 80% of our immune function is in our gut and antibiotics kill all of the good bacteria.
Kefir is a good start and it tastes like yogurt.
Next, look into iodine supplementation with the manditory companion nutrients.
Stop all genetically engineered and gluten foods.
Benzodiazepines are extremely dangerous drugs. They cause many of the symptoms you are experiencing and this happens when we reach tolerance. It takes 6 months to 2 or more years to get over the withdrawals. I just spent a year with mom's withdrawals from hell in and out of the ER. They almost banned them in the 80s and should have.