Actually Diarrhea is always an indication one is over dosing himself and he should reduce the next dose by at least 50%. Some people are more sensitive than others. Just be sensitive to your body and reduce the dose when diarrhea or nausea or other uncomfortable indications show up.
We now have 650 trained Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Minister of Health in 80 different countries of the world. The Sun never sets on someone helping someone overcome suffering using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Silver Fox has done a lot more damage than good while our Ministers have treated people free of charge around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people treated so far, and more than 10 million bottles of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement sold with no reports of deaths or permanent damage while hundreds of thousands are kill by pharmaceutical drugs.
Our organization has never sold MMS, we give it away. Private people and other organizations sell MMS. I have never needed Silver Fox's sarcastic criticism as I have Doctors and several universities to help me with the chemistry. They say, by the way, that Silver Fox is wrong. Well anyway good luck. Jim Humble