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Jim Humbles new Brochure... Problems
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Published: 16 y

Jim Humbles new Brochure... Problems

Jim Humble has a new brochure designed to illustrate and explain how Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is supposed to work. He does a good job up to the end of page 3.

At the end of page 3 he states that ClO2 when encountering something to oxidize will break down into chloride and oxygen. So far, so good. The chloride will join with sodium and form salt. This is also correct.

However, what happens to the ClO2 that does not oxidize something? It breaks down to chlorite and the chlorite floats around in the body until it is eliminated through the urine. The chlorite ion has a half life, in rats, of 35 - 40 hours. It is speculated that it has a similar half life in humans.

Since there is no way to measure the amount of ClO2 in blood, it is generally recognized that ClO2 is quickly reduced to chlorite ions and that is what is absorbed into the body. ClO2 may act like Jim Humble has illustrated somewhere, but inside the body the reaction most likely involves the chlorite ion.

Moving on to page 4 we have some important omissions by Jim Humble.

He gives a good description of oxidation potential, and gives an accurate value for the oxidation potential for ClO2 in an aqueous solution.

Now, let's take a look at how you generate an aqueous solution of ClO2. You can add an acid to sodium chlorite to generate ClO2, then you have to collect the ClO2 fumes and introduce them into water. This is done by putting a lid on the mixing container and having two pipes going through the lid if the container. One pipe brings air into the container, above the liquid level, and the other pipe allows the collected fumes containing ClO2 to bubble through another container containing water. The end of the second pipe is below the water level in the second container and the ClO2 gas recovered from the first mixing container is released in the water in the second container.

If Miracle-Mineral-Supplement utilized this method to generate an aqueous solution of ClO2, Jim Humbles value for the oxidation potential of ClO2 as 0.95 volts would be correct. However, is this how the ClO2 from Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is used?


A MMS dose is mixed up by putting some sodium chlorite in a glass and adding an acid to activate it. ClO2 is released as a result of this, but the solution that is ingested is chlorous acid.

Looking up the oxidation potential of chlorous acid we find that it is 1.51 volts - 1.57 volts. This is much higher than the potential for ClO2, and is higher than oxygen.

He then continues in the brochure to tell us that this reduced oxidation potential is the reason MMS doesn't harm other cells. Normal cells can withstand the oxidation potential of oxygen (1.30 volts), but what happens when they are subjected to chlorous acid with an oxidation potential of 1.57 volts?

He then goes on to state that ClO2 has been used to eliminate all bacteria (good and bad) from hospital floors, slaughter houses, and thousands of other (external) applications for a long time and no pathogens have developed a resistance to ClO2. This is correct, but when evaluating effectiveness of ClO2 on external surfaces, the main focus is on pathogens. When disinfecting a cutting board, we are interested in having all the germs killed off, and that is what happens. If ClO2 only killed bad germs, the good germs would be left on the surfaces and a hospital wouldn't use ClO2 as a disinfectant. They are looking for a sterile surface.

Come on Jim Humble, let's get your facts straight. It may be that small amounts of this solution are beneficial to some people in some cases, but the least you should do is to provide them with accurate facts so they can understand what is happening inside their bodies when they are sitting on the toilet.

I may be so bold as to suggest that diarrhea may be a sign that your body is suffering oxidative stress from ingesting a solution with a high oxidation potential.



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