The ammonia from parasites and other bacteria occurred to me earlier today. There's me wondering where all this ammonia is coming from -- despite the genetic predisposition, i've had days when even on a low ammonia and sulfite producing diet i can still produce ammonia.
I suddenly get sweaty days, despite whether i'm feeling hot or cold.
It's like the body perhaps gets so overloaded it is forced to sweat as the liver and urinary channels can't keep up detoxing it.
Am awaiting on charcoal and yukka to see if that helps soak up excess also.
Recently i've been drinking a few pints a day of kefir water so imagine that the change of gastro-environment is causing ammonia from potential die-off also.
Will update on the serrapeptase - would be interesting to see this cyst gone - it's always bothered me as i've never developed any other lumps elsewhere and this can be painful from time to time.