What I'm saying is that one needs to look at a dietary source of caprylic acid to be taken regularly, especially the coconut oil as it appears to have the richest source of caprylic acid, but not to overdo it. That is, don't go crazy and have a Tablespoon of the oil two-hourly for weeks on end like I have seen some patients do. A good approach is to incorporate coconut oil, milk and cream as well as fresh coconut into your diet like you would other nuts and seeds and oils. In addition, take a supplement that contains some caprylic acid regularly. If you consume loads of coconut, have a blood based IgE/IgG food allergy test at least annually to determine your immune status, allergies are common in those who go crazy, I've noticed this over the years.
Yes, coconut milk can contain plenty of caprylic acid, and there will be many good brands available.