Re: Any point in taking Lugol's in distilled water with Apple Cider, and how long to space it from other meds?
>>>" People (newbies) come here mainly for I/KI info, and then assume it's the only thing they need."
True. I can't tell you how many posters have fit that description. We have tried, throughout the years on this forum to stress the importance of what one does on a daily basis, diet, eliminative pathways and such and that
Iodine is NOT a magic bullet, on it's own.
There's a ton of info in the old literature that I've dredged up on this very subject. Lumpy breasts can heal with intestinal cleansing. Hypothyroid conditions, also can be healed with cleansing, a diet of apples and buttermilk has been suggested in the past. Traditional Chinese cures for thyroid issues prescribe herbs that contain no
Iodine whatsoever. Thyroid conditions have been healed with sunlight alone.
There are many reasons for hypo/hyper/autoimmune thyroid issues, and as far as I'm concerned diet(and other lifestyle factors, of course), MUST be addressed, especially now, when there is so much "food" out there that simply is NOT... food.
Not saying that
Iodine is not hugely important, it is. Most are deficient.
I appreciate the info you've been posting lately as well, keep it up:)
I prefer Lugol's, we women need the I2, as G-girl pointed out. Learn to love it! It's tasty!
At any rate, this is what makes a forum a beautiful thing. We all focus on what
interests us most, and those interests may change over time . We all learn from each other, all input is welcome:)