Thanks Marrie64, your well wishes were received because I did sleep better last night. Did your practitioner add the magnesium or did you do that on your own? I know I'm getting some magnesium but not sure how much. Oh how I would love to sleep uninterrupted all night. I have a night here or there every six months or so. I can't figure out how to duplicate it though. I was having this problem ever so often before starting NB. I was on another program with a different practitioner. Not sure what to call his program. I liken it to heavy metal chelation. I improved on his program but my sleep stayed the same. So over time once I dump more of the metals and chemicals I'm hoping to sleep better.
How did you know when your cortisol levels changed? Many years ago I was taking a supplement that helped lower your cortisol levels to help you lose weight. It worked okay since I lost 20 pounds. I never had my levels checked but I had some of the symptoms so I went with it. After I got pregnant I stopped. I do know my hormones are all out of whack. My periods have been giving my trouble for years. It's slowly evening out.