I'm new to NB as well as to Curezone and I'm very excited to have started on my way back to health and to have others to talk to about my progress. I was invited to the forum by Marie64. I have been on the program for a month. I started out taking Megapan, Endo-dren, Limcomin, Paramin, GB-3, and Kelp. My practitioner told me that I could add Renamide, Selenium and End-Veggies if I wanted so I did add them this week. I have hypertension so I figured the Renamide would be good to help detox my kidneys.
I'm having a problem with sleep during the night just recently. I fall asleep just fine but I'm waking up during the night unable to get back to sleep right away as normal. I do awaken several times to use the bathroom but I don't usually have a problem getting back to sleep. I am waking up randomly without having to go to the bathroom and I'm just lying awake for a while. It's happened 5 nights so far. I eventually go back to sleep but last night I woke up and I noticed that I was itching all over my body in various places. Every time I would drift off, I would itch. Eventually it stopped and I was able to go back to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I was tired and I was also dizzy. I've had many healing reactions on other programs but this is a first for me so I wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar or have any ideas about what could be going on?