Re: help! they entered the liver...
Hi sd,
are you doing something special after garlic enema like ...i dont know...
Probiotics Enema ? how safe is it and how often can we do it? I mean did it affect the mucosal or something? it shouldnt.
when did my first one very light did not have any special manifestations there after (except expelled candida and worms a day after) but did have GB/liver migration. same time i was taking albenda. could garlic enema scared them to migrate?
so basically you buy bulk herbs, grounded fresh and mix your own "medicine". ground fresh sounds more it important that they are organic?
and when are you taking them? before , during or after the meals?
after i eat the pain and presence in the GB/liver pancreas are gone for 20-30 minutes then they are back. would taking herbs or enzymes let's say 15-20 after eating have any value in your opinion? they start being nasty again after 1 hour and 30 minutes like after the last meal.
many thanks