Re: any suggestions?
Good evening Affliction, you're never know until you experiment and see if it's the soap. If you are allergic to soap products, that may be the culprit that aggrevates or increases your odors. I use dove (white) unscented. I also use natural products that don't have to many
additives to them and I try to use and find fragrance free products. It's hard to tell if you don't experiment with different methods and different products. It's hard to tell what's working and what's not if you're using to many products at one time. So space them out if you are. Also, Affliction keep a daily log of what's workin and what's not. After a meal or eating and drinking a beverage see if you or others can smell you. Keep good notes because they can be the missing pieces to the puzzle of what's causing or triggering the odor and making it worse. Once you see the pieces come together you will have a picture or answer to what's causing the continuous odor. As I've posted on the Trimethylaminuria forum, we will never completely be rid of these offensive odors, we just have to do what we can to reduce the odor. But remember it's gonna take time and patience coupled with trial and error. But you will gradually see what works for you.
Keep me posted on the "just water" thing that you are gonna try. We're all on this forum "pullin for straws" and wishing each other success :). Black tea has greatly reduced my odors to the point that I am tolerable around others. Take care Affliction.