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Re: any suggestions?

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danielxmiller Views: 1,917
Published: 12 y
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Re: any suggestions?

I'm from the peeling lips forum, so I don't have this condition...but I did do some things before to myself that have improved a lot of the smells on my body. I don't know if it will help you or not, but you're welcome to give it a try...

I became a very natural person about a year and a half ago, and stopped using all commercial cleansing products. In fact I don't use any type of soap/shampoo at all in the shower. I was scared at first, but after talking to a lot of people on facebook and I realized all of the products are actually really bad for you, and we never used them when we were first on this planet, let alone just a couple hundred years ago.

Have you tried JUST using water to rinse off in the shower? Eliminating EVERYTHING except an all natural tooth paste? I find the more products you use, the worse it gets, like when I tried to get rid of acne. My Acne didn't clear up until I STOPPED using all these Acne products. It sounds really crazy, but it makes sense in my mind now...yes I do still use a deoterant (I get it at whole foods, it's the JASON - Aloe Vera brand). This may take a while before your body normalizes itself from all of the chemicals in the cleansing products you've been using, but it just might help.

Also I'm sure your diet is playing a role in it as well...and quite possibly the water you are drinking. Bottled water isn't good for you and the best option right now appears to be water that is filtered on the sink (keep in mind your skin absorbs water in the shower as well so a whole house filter would be ideal but expensive). If you can find a natural spring that is THE BEST water in the world
I still haven't had the chance to get to one, but I plan on it soon.

I wish you the best, and just keep in mind there are SO MANY conditions out there that people don't realize, my lip condition for example...not fun :( if you want to take a look at my condition and what we are doing to find a cure go to
...once you band together you will find an answer.

Hope this helps you a little bit, my friend.



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