if you want to reproduce, you want to be taking iodine.
i dont have proof but every case i see like yours needs more iodine. your labs will run amuck. the body is adjusting. if it gets to be too much to handle then take a 48 hour break and then get right back to it.we call this pulsing.
you have to give your body what it needs to correct itself, and time to do it.
if you think you got benefits at 25mg, wait till you experience 100mg. and it gets better with even more.
you probably have been taking some kind of vitamins. a good prenatal might not be a bad idea. definitely get extra
C and your selenium and boron and magnesium. you may have to back off of the thyroid med in part or totally. pay attention and you be the judge. but cut the meds, not the iodine.