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Re: What is Going On Here?
peggyaus Views: 1,694
Published: 12 y
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Re: What is Going On Here?

You aren't crazy. parasites are real. Doctors don't help for much part and are quick to label people with psychiatric problems if their insufficient drug programs don't work.

So sorry you picked up parasites in a hotel room... that is really very bad luck. I've seen face worms come out of the face and its not fun.

Once you pick up parasites they lay countless eggs daily... so it is very hard to get rid of them.. you really have to be onto it for the rest of your life. The eggs and larvae will probably be in your house. You need to bleach your bathroom and shampoo your carpets and clean every bit of soft furnishing in boiling water as much as is possible, and your clothes.

I would be using clean pillow cases every night after boiling in hot water.

The usual drug protocols that doctors prescribe are insufficient and for most part need to be lengethened as many parasites have a cycle... for example.. some a 30 day cycle... so single administrations never work... I"m not sure of your parastie but its worth going onto the parasite drug forum and posting there as well. I"m sure you'll get some responses there as well about drug program which might actually clear your infection.

You could also try herbal formulas and pastes. Glaxony (a poster here on curezone) has a paste recipe which might help you. She has a forum here you might also wish to post on.

Good luck.



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