Re: What is Going On Here?
I'm afraid it's a bit deeper than that even!
They KNOW we have worms,...but to TRULY admit 'it',...they'd have to stop all nuclear activities. They will NEVER do that, we suffer!
My labs know I have worms! They,...of their own accord, without my knowledge, sent my specimines to public health!
Then CDC and Pathology Sciences got involved! The message from the TOP was NO worms,...just mucus strings and food waste.! That is all they WANT to find,....therefore,....that is all they WILL find! Period!
I will not spend one red penny on the AMA,....American Medical Model! No doctors unless I need a bone set! :-(
Here's why!
"In 1953 the Japanese medical authorities, notified the American medical authorities, that there appeared to
be a major explosion in these seemingly unconnected symptomatic problems developing in the areas
surrounding Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they notified the American authorities that high levels of Candida
were always associated with these symptoms. At first that relationship was denied but in the late 1950's they
presented 5,000 documented case histories to a Mayo clinic in upstate New York. And so finally the
American's looked at the Candida fungus once again, and by this time electron microscopes had been
developed and
Science was starting to unravel the secrets of genetic codes and comparing the Candida
fungus that had been stored in formaldehyde since 1915, with the genetic codes of the post atom bombing
in Japan, it became evident that low level radiation had mutated the simple one cell fungus.
This was the secret scientific precursor that finally forced all governments on earth to put their atmospheric
nuclear testing underground because low level radiation was shown to mutate and change forever the very
basis of our biological terrain, i.e. our ability to be alive.
Candida since that time has taken every opportunity due to this mutation to rapidly increase in population
and this was aided since the 1940's with the advent of widespread
Antibiotic use which kills a large
proportion of the biological terrain which then stops the checks and balances that maintain the terrain
species balance which allows the population explosion of the unaffected species, namely Candida.
Once Candida levels get high enough they move out of their normal confined environment and populate the
connective tissues and body fluids. This now is what we call a systemic problem and normally biological
processes such as most of the gut bacterias, cannot now bring Candida back into its correct population
parameters because the normal biological terrain does not populate the connective tissue, etc.
Obviously, since the allopathic medicine's panicure, namely
Antibiotics , is one of the most effective ways of
creating an environment for this now mutated Candida to have its population explosion, it was impossible to
publish or for the world at large to know, the great Candida secrets. Because how could any "Business" ever
publicly state that its biggest money earner was creating more disease and un-health than it could ever
possibly help.
So, through this mutation and
Antibiotic use, we've had the biggest biological disaster in the human body
than ever before in the human history. This has lead to the cravings for sugars and grain, and those two
food products in all their forms, have now become the dominant diet of the western population. Candida like
the rest of us, wants to be fed".