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How should I break my water fast? Intolerant to fructose.
lizzy14 Views: 3,276
Published: 12 y

How should I break my water fast? Intolerant to fructose.

I just quickly want to say that this is my first post so sorry if I've posted somewhere I shouldn't have!
I'm on day 3 of my water only fast, I'm planning to go for 2 weeks, but hopefully 3 weeks.
My question is what I should break my fast with. I've done a lot of research but nearly everyone recommended small bits of fruit; the problem is that I am intolerant to fructose (I can still eat it but I'd rather give my body what it wants and since I have candida, I would like to break the fast with low carb foods and continue eating that way.)
I would break it with vegetable juices but I don't have a juicer. So I was wondering if raw vegetables would be okay, how much I should have, and what kinds of vegetables would be okay. I could use a blender if that would be better, or cook it.

Thanks a lot for any help!


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