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Re: I got my DMPS challenge test results today. Now what?
sduifvnbss Views: 3,837
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Re: I got my DMPS challenge test results today. Now what?

Thanks for responding.

What should I do with the dmps? Should I do infrared saunas with it? Drink lots of water?
Also, more importantly, do you know how much dmps gets into the intestines, and how much gets into the areas where the candida, parasites and biofilms are?

"In the past bakeries where my main source of food, these days I would not even notice if all bakeries in the world disappeared."

Me too, that's one of the reasons I got into this whole mess in the first place, 3 years ago I was eating nothing but bread products. and it started to give me crazy panic attacks and they wouldn't stop even after I stopped eating bread. That's when I think the candida started to take over.

"A doctor than told me to eat FAT and MEAT, eggs, curd, NO VEGGIES, NO FRUITS, FEW CARBS. Today I can eat carbs, if I want, and I do - but my appetite has changed, see above. I used to get 80% of my energy from carbs, now I get 60% or so from various fats (animal fats and, for the moment, nuts)."

Very interesting. I've been eating rice/vegetables and a bit of low fat meat and I've been constipated and feeling not so good(two weeks ago I was eating nothing but junk food). I'm going to try a high fat/meat diet now, starting with some bacon and eggs. :)
This would be nice because vegetables give me this itchy sensation all over my body and causes me to be super angry.

So I can cook bacon and eat all the fat? lol

If I was to eat mostly meat where would I get my nutrition and vitamins from?

"It WILL go away when you continue with DMPS."

How many dmps shots did you take before the candida started to leave you?
How long did it take?
I've taken 2 so far.

As far as my constipation goes, I always end up with undigested food in my stool, betaine hcl, enzymes, taurine, bile salts, raw sauerkraut, enemas does nothing really.
The only thing that empties my bowels are salt water flushes but that's not practical on a daily basis and takes a lot out of me.

So chlorella eh? I used a little bit of it here and there in powder form. Should I be taking megadoses or something?

Thanks so much, I know I can fight this.


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