Re: Dr. Wilson's High Vegetable Diet
Protein and carb intake are generally at different meals - although my digestion isn't too upset if i have them together.
I tend to go by how much my bowels complain of my food combining skills!
My Nutritional Balancing practitioner, based on my hair test and being an extremely slow oxidiser - suggested high carb through vegetables, 17% protein, 7% fat - as listed earlier on in the thread.
If you're a high oxidiser with adrenal fatigue then certainly high fat/protein diet is best suited...yet for slow oxidisers lots of complex carbs - grains etc and simple carbs like fruit/potatoes are a no/no as they are hard to digest and provide a spike in glucose followed by a drop - not so good for hypoglycemic slow-oxidiser.
I truly thought i was hyperadrenal, hyperthyroid, fast oxidiser due to my forever slim build and for the past couple of years losing weight fast. I was completely shocked to get results of very little adrenal function, hypo-thyroid, hypoglycemic, slow ozidiser, not digesting proteins, low blood pressure, copper, mercury, aluminium toxicity.
My symptoms seemed to me (and my doctor) that i was hyper - only because i acted 'hyper' - seeking out stress and acting stressful to get SOME kind of adrenal response to just 'cope'.
I crashed and crashed and fought the crash until i literally woke up and couldn't walk, think, do anything. I've been in bed eversince. As most on here know - it's a crushing journey to become completely debilitated, especially if you're fairly young like me, i'm only 34 - and previously an extremely high 'achiever' - took life by the horns AND tail!! I realise now something had to 'go' at some point to make me slow down.
If you know whether you are a slow/fast oxidiser or not it will help you understand why perhaps you do better on such and such foods than others. It's quite hard to judge it by symptoms alone - especially if you're superslim as you say - it's not a 'classic' symptom of being a slow oxidiser - who tend to put on weight. Just like hypothyroid - weight gain. Yet it IS possible to be in these states and look kinda anorexic!
The very minimal adrenal function is the most out of balance aspect for me - and in that state one loses weight. You gain weight initially with AF - and as it gets progressively worse, weight loss is experienced. I have absorbed a lot of Dr Lam's info as i feel he is very experienced with the states of AF - how they occur - and what other imbalances can occur alongside AF. I'm awaiting in the post his book to run-through his healing protocol.
The only trouble with all diet suggestions for AF - whether slow or fast oxidiser - is to consider candida. I have struggled with it since childhood and it's affecting a huge part of healing (the acetaldehyde release from candida triggers the sympathetic nervous system - which asks for stress hormones from the adrenals - so therefore candida can indeed, when chronic - cause an SNS dysfuction - which almost always results in AF)
I know i will have to tweak my diet some more to prevent 'feeding' candida.
Very soon i'm going to do a drastic anti-candida treatment - as i've not used antifungals in the past so know there is no immunity from past exposure in my system. I know i'll feed really awful from die-off - but i'm willing to go through it - nothing can make me feel any more depressed to be honest than i already am! I'm in bed and will just bear the brunt of die-off.
I guess my point is, through all this waffle (sorry!) - is that it's important to consider what your adrenals need aswell as other imbalances that are occuring which are preventing your adrenals from systemic candida and high copper toxicity.
Treating one aspect without 'supporting' other imbalances will lead to a 'wonky' healing journey. I'm at the beginning of this journey and know nothing for sure - but am not making progress by just adressing AF on it's own.
Getting a hair analysis from ARL is an excellent way to illuminate any imbalances occuring you might not be aware of.
Huge luck to you :-)