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Re: The nightmare continues.... The worm that was the back of throat... is now in my face
peggyaus Views: 3,337
Published: 12 y
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Re: The nightmare continues.... The worm that was the back of throat... is now in my face

Thank you Glax.

Yes, I have the parazapper as well as a biowave generator... not doing much I do not think.

What's happened is some type of worm (wish i knew what kind) lost its way during the throat scope - I think it is larvae migration from what I've read. This worm though extends from my ear to the opening of my mouth. It is thread like but very long - would you have any idea what type of worm I'm dealing with?. I am also having larvae up my throat throughout the day... very sore liver and very sore lungs... fits with what I've read and I've got no idea how to tackle it except to pray and keep zapping. Thank you for your prayers x

p.s. I even tried digging it out with tweezers and a knife... and I couldn't... never rubbery even though visible and quite supericial near the top layer of skin. I will try and get a picture and post it.


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