Thank you so much for the ideas and for the referal to the herb outlet. I've heard that those madagascar cloves are good but never tried.
I have wormwood tea and will do so and will have to get some of those other ingredients.
I also have swished with vinegar. The barstad seems to be coming out of my salivery duct because i'm so dry in the mouth :(
Your earlier post is very likely to be correct and I hadn't thought about it till now - its a a cycle yes I think you are right (maybe even a ten year one or more??) - after killing the monster she devil - here we go again.. it feels like all out war. Do you know anything about the timing of the ascaris cycle and if there is such a thing of killing the biggest one and it starting off something like what i've experienced with worms coming up the throat? I've got so much gurgling in the throat its embarrassing.......
I am still disgusted and revolted by what came out of me in the toilet. The she devil was as long as my computer screen and as wide as a bic pen. So disgusting I was so shocked because I've been passing worms forever and so many of them and never in my wildest dreams did I think i had that monster inside of me.
I inspected my mouth in in very good lighting and tried to take a pic with my mobile phone. Unfortunately I can't get a good picture trying to open my mouth with one hand and click with the other. I noticed on the other side of my mouth is what appears to be be an old worm much more deeply imbedded from years ago and dead. I remember now that that side of my face had the cerebal palsy for some time...
At least I am not so hysterical because I thought this was a new problem... seems like not.
Thanks for listening. It really helps. Who else in this world listens to this stuff huh?