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Re: Estrogen and Adrenal Fatigue
purplepixie Views: 2,877
Published: 12 y
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Re: Estrogen and Adrenal Fatigue

Poor you to have to educate your doctor. At least you're getting some tests.

With those results you'll better understand your situation. Don't rely on them to know what to do to cure you (as im sure you dont!) - they can only treat an imbalance - without asking WHY it is caused and without considering the possible imbalances the medication they intend to use on you will have.

I think most that are passionate about health would say that tests alone cannot diagnose, neither can symptoms, but looking at the whole picture, and assessing other potential outside influences (what your life is like etc) all paint a clearer picture.

I wouldn't discount the possibility of an infection if your adrenals are low AND your thyroid has followed becoming hypo. If it's in your family, the genetic trait is strong and can be overcome. Have you considered genetic tests?

Perhaps, as a preventative measure - it's wise for anyone to treat for bacterial, parasitical or viral concerns with endocrine imbalances. I'm going down this route myself and due to not having thousands to do numerous stool, biopsy serum tests for all possible pathogens - i'm going to use herbal based preparations that are designed primarily to eradicate nasties. Colloidal Silver rectum delivery if i have to too! lol

Fingers crossed your tests come back encouragingly for you :-)


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