It's true, hormone imbalance definitely robs you of life. Generally hormonal conditions aren't life threatening (even though I feel like I'm going to drop dead sometimes!) but they are super annoying. Annoying enough that sometimes dropping dead might just sound appealing LOL!
When I first started to become alarmingly ill (not just horrendous PMS and feeling spaced out, which was "normal" for me) it began with panic attacks. I knew once that started there was definitely something wrong. I neverminded my GP's advice of beta blockers and antidepressants and went out to find the real cause myself.
First I waged war on candida and parasites, and began to chelate heavy metals. WOW so wrong! This sent me into a downward spiral of AF and thyroid hell. When I was at my worst, I could barely get out of bed, couldn't digest solid food, was wasting away and pretty much waiting to die. Then whole food sourced vitamin C and
Sea Salt saved my life.
Honestly I've tried every supplement and adaptogen under the sun. My body absolutely rejects anything synthetic. Tried nutritional body will not tolerate any of Endomet's supplements. When I finally stopped forcing myself to take supplements and decided to trust the wisdom and amazing abilities of the body's own internal pharmacy, I began to heal.
I threw out all the supplements except for the whole food vitamin C. That I take religiously, but only 2000 mg a day. Common sense told me that overdosing on anything is never good for balance. I incorporated 20 drops a day of Concentrace ionic minerals (all natural from the great salt lake) and I have noticed a difference in my energy levels. But its a good, real energy. Not the wired stimulated feeling I felt with glandulars. I do an herbal tincture of milk thistle, dandelion, and artichoke (2 weeks on, 1 week off). I put a pinch of
Sea Salt in my water bottle throughout the day. I drink a probiotic drink called Kevita every day. Just started it and have noticed improved digestion. That's it!
I'm taking biochemistry right now, and I'm learning how inefficient most supplements are. mainly because they don't contain the important precursors and cofactors needed to make them work as they are supposed to. Not to mention they are synthetic (except whole food derivitives). (Real) Food miraculously contains the perfect combinations of things needed for optimal utilization of the body. Like a perfectly written symphony.
I rely heavily on my diet. I avoid gluten, soy,
Sugar (other than a little honey sometimes and fruit), phytoestrogens, and dairy. All organic food, and free range chicken from a local farm. I eat lots of soups and stocks, and complex carbs. I felt awful on a low carb diet.
I also meditate and read uplifting books. I laugh often. Every day I watch or listen to something funny, even if I'm feeling like crap (like today!) I journal and I speak out loud to my illness. I tell it to go away. I yell at it sometimes and believe it or not it actually works! The mind-body connection is so powerful. If you tell yourself you're sick you'll stay that way.
I also got rid of all my toxic cosmetics, changed my cookware and threw out all plastic containers (I use glass now). I put a shower filter on the shower and I cook with filtered water. I take a little walk every day, even if it's only around the back yard. I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night. But most importantly, I LIVE. I don't let this thing take my life. I work a menial part time job and I started taking classes at school again. Even though I don't feel good at times, I hang on to the things that make me happy, that make me feel like a normal person. I stopped being afraid.
I still have alot of healing to do, but I can honestly say that after I "let go" and began to trust in my body and in wholesome, real food and minerals to be my medicine (about three months ago) I have seen major improvements. I am having regular BMs on the clock (couldn't go without an enema for 6 months), I have energy in the morning again, and I finally got a period again after almost a year. My hair isn't coming out in clumps anymore, and I don't have panic attacks. My body stopped eating itself.
I didn't get this way overnight and healing is going to work the same way. I don't want band-aids. I want to be cured, and that means patience and persistence. I still can feel my heart beating all the time, I still get brain fog, moodiness, and joint pains. I have a lingering touch of hypoglycemia. But it's a far cry from where I was 3 months ago.
My new motto in life :slow and steady wins the race. Yeah it's uncomfortable and down right sucks sometimes, but what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. I don't need to spend a ton of money on pills to replace real nutrition. No one ever suffered from "supplement deficiency disease"!