Re: This can't be it.
Thank you very much lineup, I will do just those things I
also want to thank the admin who made my text legible, i
apologize for that chunk of text originally, can anyone
any more light on these amoebas for me please, detection
methods, do they cause long term problems? when i take an
Antibiotic cycle for them do they all die or will this be
like a new thing i have to do? all i know is with my sight
ears neck pain and headaches and location they make sense,
maybe i am mixing up the other skin symptoms and they are
not related to a
parasite but still something i have never
seen before
because my lord i know my motor skills are off,
is there specific things i should make sure the doctor "
because he is not a parasitic or amoeba expert " do certain
tests, The internist is tomorrow afternoon, and I will
start getting into contact with a parasitologist preferably
one of the two you posted lineup, also a infa-red scan of
my brain has been mentioned to me for detection of amoebas
because they have been considered because of the location
they seem most likely, thank you again.