Hello I am suffering from a severe case of multiple parasites, I am scared because I know they came from mexico, I have a doctors app on the 14th and have been doing research about my symptoms but still am sort of scared and want to try everything I can. I know there are people out there in worse boats than myself, but I may check myself into the ER after my appointment with my doctor, he may even recommend it.
My family has no history of auto immune problems, and this suddenly has happened to me in the last three months and I seem to be rapidly declining. My vision seems to be slowly getting worse and I am also experiencing non stop tinnitus ( ringing of the ears ) I have no cold regulation anymore, even in 70 temp I am freezing like an old person. I am 18 years old ( 19 next month yay! ) and I am also experiencing these very painful and disgusting large nasty sores that honestly resemble leishmaniasis all over me. I remember tiny bumps all over my hands, they itched a little and ran in lines and clusters.
They are very very hard to notice unless you look extreamly close and still exist to this day, but back then they were worse as far as feeling them there. Now the skin on my hands is dying all over, Almost what you would see simular to a person with HIV and rash on hands, but I have no HIV, and I as of 2 weeks ago was tested for every STD and came out clean. I am experincing trouble healing, and also increased mucus, for example i cough slightly and a ton of shit flies out. I have sores in my mouth, and I recently started grinding my teeth badly and I have see marks on the sides of my tongues that look like tongue indent marks on my tongue, but I have no clue of that is relevent and there is about 3 on each side and they definitly look like tongue on teeth marks instead of some type of abbsess on the tongue.
Also 2 months ago I got all these tiny bumps on the back of my tongue but I think that is a sign of infection or me being sick and not something infected with tongue. I am getting this little holes in my top lip near the center, i thought they were cold sores but I never had herpies simplex in any form, and they don't act like a cold sore and the middle of my top lip seems to be extreamly red and for exmaple when i left my top lip up and look at the center it appears much darker than the rest, but not just where the dying circle spot on my lip is it goes all the way down until the other side of the lip that you can reveal by flipping your top lip up. I am experincing major spine pain in the middle just bellow the shoulder blades and as a month ago was experncing horrid horrid low spin pain, like i couldn't move for two days without horrid pain.
I haven't done any strenuous acitivies or play sports so no reason for spine pain. also I have trouble grabbing things, i notice I am dropping a lot of things by mistake. My scent seems different? maybe i am wrong.. but i swear i smell things differently then i used to. My testicles also had pain about 1 month ago horribly and it was in the upper back area, but that seemed to cease now and it hurts lower down in the actual testicle on the left side. the skin on my big toes ( not rest of feet currently ) and skin on my palms is thickening almost, it has a rough like feel to it. And the dying skin on my hand is really noticeable and embarrassing, it is not just a few pieces that flaked off.. everywhere that is skin on my hand has died at some point ( on the palm ) in the last 3 weeks or so, but the dying skin thing is new and scary. it seems to heal and die heal and die heal and die constantly.
I have no allergies to anything I am coming into contact with and have already checked.
I have horrible mucus diarrhea about 4 weeks ago it was yellow and mucusy, now it seems to be darker and more broken up if that makes sense, not like stuck together mucus.
I am also experiencing a form of erectile dysfunction and i am far too young for that to make sense.
I don't do drugs, and I also have notably high blood pressure.
I have been losing weight rapidly ( always been fat ) now i can't lay on my stomach because my hip bones would poke in and feels pretty crappy, it seems like the fat on my butt isn't going to be enough soon.
So just to recap because it is easier to re read one line then my entire essay.
**Symptoms that started 1 to 3 months ago include.
First* bumps on palms
second, feeling cold no body temp regulation,
third, horrid lymph node pain followed by blood in my mucus but only horrid for that one day * i still have lymph node pain no noted blood in mucus yet though since that one day
fourth, horrible sciatic nerve pain on my right side. 5th trouble sleeping, 6th diareaha and blood when i wiped.
Now I currently have at this Day: one, bumps on hands previous talked about they are whitish and always in lines, and so tiny you need good near site to even see them.
Where they are, skin is dying all over fingers palms etc, but re healing and dying. *
My hands always feel tickly or prickly or something recently within the past month *
Number two slow healing, Number three vision problems, fourth ringing in ears, No more lower spine pain but definit spin pain between should blades but just a little lower than where the shoulder are in the middle of spin. I have sinus pain, Lower pelvis pain on the left side, As well as penile and testicle pain and spine pain.
My extremities feel constantly extremely cold, and my motor skills are off. I seem to smell things differently as posted before but maybe the stress of all of this could do this i don't know. I have decreased sense in my tongue too, for example i am able to eat pretty hot food.
These things are growing between my pecs * I am male by the way * and they grow in lines, also 2, 2 is the number i see more than often on my body when these things grow. I remember one on my arm ( of course accompined by a second ) about three weeks ago but it seems to be gone, but this new one in the middle of my chest ( a little more on the right pec ) is huge, painful, almost like black center and very red sides, also i feel it under the skin it seems to be much larger than what is showing. These things keep popping up also worried about leishmaniasis and Mucosal leishmaniasis * only because of mexico, and all the extremely itchy bites that got bigger on my butt but faded after a few weeks of time. i also never saw them again. Also my sex drive seems to be taking a hit which is understable considering but still i don't feel normal as regards to that.
Also note sinus infection around same time ( neon yellow snot ) as the beginning symptoms started. not my sinus snot is clear atm. Also the skin on my lips is now dying in a web type fashion, doesn't seem like dehydration but maybe it could be. the whiteness of the skin on lips goes away with moisture but returns eventually. * PLEASE NOTE upon my research it seems more than likely I am suffering from multiple parasites, not just one bad one. Bumps are very tiny in a colonization but almost like in a ring line going around the shaft of my penis.
My penile pain testicular pain vision hearing and temp reg are my biggest concerns obviously. I can't go blind.