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Re: A lil confused about the concentration of Iodine..
Ginagirl Views: 1,213
Published: 13 y
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Re: A lil confused about the concentration of Iodine..

No % is better or "safer" than others, it is just the consentration of Iodine vs potassium /water. If I was to purchase Iodine from Equador to Norway, I would definitely go for the highest concentration.
Otherwise it is only more water passing the atlantic ocean, kind of a waste IMO.

You live in Russia, I have Tsjernobyl in mind, as I lived in the Northern part of Norway at the time of the accident; we had a considerable radioactive fallout from it.
Purchasing the high concentration you will be able to help yourself and a lot of people around you, if that was to happen again. I would go for the highest % possible, several bottles; but thats me :)

That said; the omega lab has a confusing % labeling of their iodine; if I recall right their 7 % is the same as Lugols 5 %. We had some posts about it a couple of years back. It is a company working on the borders of legality, but their product is ok; purchased from there a couple of times.


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