Re: what is causing this
If it's an "eggy" smell I wonder if your body is not processing sulfur correctly. I'm sending off my samples to MEBO tomorrow, but regardless of what comes back, I know that without a doubt my body has a hard time processing certain smelly elements.
Things that for sure cause me to smell: herbs, supplements, garlic, OTC drugs (including ibuprofen, laxatives, benadryl, etc), caffeine (BIG trigger for me), prescriptions drugs (pain killers,
Antibiotics etc) and smelly foods (curry, asparagus).
What I find that helps is keeping a food journal. Everyday write down what you eat and anything extra that you consume. In the same journal at the end of each day write down any comments that you received.
One thing I realized is that when I consumed these garlic tablets I was taking for my immune system, I started getting a lot of comments of a fecal smell. At the time I was totally oblivious because I thought they were harmless since they were "deodorized".
I think some people are just sensitive to medications which could be your problem.
There was this one kid I knew who was on ADHD medication. When he took his medication he had the most horrible breath. It was so bad I could not look directly at him and talk to him. It was a pungent fecal smell. But for a few days he missed his medication and guess what? No smelly breath.