Hi thanks for your reply. I had an endoscopy, colonoscopy and abdominal mri and cat scan and it showed nothing so I doubt its gastritis. I also was tested for food allergies by the naturoapthic doctor $240 and it showed nothing. I think there is a small chance it will be controlled with diet, but the smell is so strong it fills up a whole room so im not sure. I'm waiting for the results from the amino acid metabolism test i got from the naturopathic doctor and my tmau results and if tmau is positive ill change to the low choline diet and if it the amino acid test shows something wrong like high cystine cuz i think it could be cystinura eggy smell, then ill bring it to the metabolic geneticist im going to see in april and ask to get tested although i doubt anything will come of it. the mg also tests for tmau too it took me 6 months to get the appointment. I ordered the perfume candy which should be here this week and i hope for luck this time.