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Re: Future by MH
Matrix101 Views: 958
Published: 13 y
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Re: Future by MH

We are still here, supporting you from behind the scenes. When others are ready to follow these PRINCIPLES towards true health that you set down they will be amazed.

Not everyone checks in this forum every day for whatever reason...You got to be patient and be a positive source of correct information for the BENEFIT of everyone. How else will you "graduate" this earth school?

Stay the course and we will back you up. It takes people time to figure out what works and what doesn't. And new people are being born every day. Even new parents will be coming forth and need to be EDUCATED on the correct ways to raise and feed their family. Not to mention those people that desperately need to correct the mistakes that were made (through a collective ignorance) in our society.

They need to be given HOPE that most anything can be cured and rectified using suitable methods and herbal remedies that can be duplicated to achieving sure and safe results.



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