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Send Private Message To Matrix101 Send Email To Matrix101 I have been interested in spirituality ever since I can remember. At the age of eleven, I began reading Paul Brunton’s spiritual writings and essays. His books were essential guidance for learning, understanding and growing internally. After college I was attuned to Usui Reiki which helped provide a good foundation for my meditation practice. Many years later I was attuned to an even deeper form of energy practice called Reiki Jin Kei Do that brought forth a wonderful silence. In 2003, I discovered the deepest form called REIKI TUMMO which offered a profound healing and a unique set of skills that are so important in this degenerate time. Two healing modalities that I had a wonderful opportunity to explore are the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and Feldenkrais Movement Therapy. Under the direction of two wonderful healers, I received healing sessions once a week for eight months and four months respectively. Without participating directly like this I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to heal the pain, release the karmic blockages and move towards wholeness. Many years after that, I took a weekend seminar on Chi-Lel Qigong. After one month of daily practice I was able to adjust my spine with only this exercise and had no need to visit the chiropractor again. The tai-chi-like movement takes about twelve minutes to perform and is called ’Lift Chi Up, Pour Chi Down’. A while later, I met MH (the Master Herbalist) and studied all of his materials for several months before completing a 21 day OJ Fast. It was a helpful process which lead to greater discernment in regards to physical health. If you ever get a chance to investigate his online-forum you won’t be disappointed. These days I am more interested in Buddhism and sharing the dharma with others. |
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My Favorite Blogs The Barefoot Way: |
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