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Future by MH
MH 108 Views: 942
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Future by MH

Over the past 15 years, folks using the "internet" have steadily had no use for natural methods, herbs, education, etc. "They" appear to have interest in the latest drug, latest operations, latest dope and a suc*** for every new author..mostly a suc*** for every new author that is willing to lie to them to get their $$$$.

The people that do have the interest, prefer to never use the internet, prefer paper written books and nothing electronic and don't trust the "educated" ones of this world and seek to stay away from the civilized / educated fast paced world of government.

People can say what they want, but facts are facts; people "want" to say they are into alternative health and seek a healthy life; but that is about as far as it goes for is "wishful" thinking on their part. I will take another guess and say 80% of all people buying herbal products, never take them....what they do do, is "collect" them and display them in their cabinets for others to see, to seek the "Illusion" they are doing better.

Dr. Christopher noticed this same thing 50 years ago and his son teaches that maybe 5% of the population seeking herbs instead of drugs will give an honest try and rarely do you find a person willing to use herbs as prevention...heck, even David Christopher and his Dr. Mom only teach herbs in place of drugs as their best sales pitch to even sale herbs and dr. mom never has made herbal products or taken them unless someone gave them to her free and by the way david christopher is ate up with cancers, I have no clue if he is even alive anymore as well....BECAUSE they see herbs as a replacement option for drugs and no doubt when their cancers appear, they all run to the er..........

PEOPLE "want" to learn, make changes; but we all know it rarely ever happens...they are too busy receiving their welfare checks or working 2 jobs and in both cases, are broke long before the next check...they are in fact; slaves and never stop long enough to discover the traps they have let them selves fall into.

I get busier every day of every month of every year for the past 16 years and for the past 10 years, "everything" computer wise is less ad with less computer, I get more busy and if I had never gotten a computer, most likely I would be so busy today that I never would have time to do anything else.

It is just a fact that I have seen become more and more true with each year of using e-mail/internet.........those with true interest do not waste their time and $$$ with computers.

Over the past 16 years using the internet basically, approx. 5-6 people per year have came along with true interest and all the rest were just "want a bs".......what David Christopher taught are people who desire to rob you of your time so you waste time helping people that don't want help. He seen these people as evil people seeking to block good people and suggested the world was loaded with such people.

I look at this forum once a day anymore and while on vacation, I do not waste my time looking at all anymore, because it is the same story over and over.....anyone new, is looking for a fast fix and often places their same question on several forums searching for anyone giving them an answer they "want" to hear.

I am pretty sure I will not buy a new computer after my windows xp computers no longer work, actually, I can pretty much guarantee that as I can't stand any of the computers made past the xp. I KNOW I would do best to just throw the computer away now and stop wasting my time with it and the only reason I have stayed with computers is that each year about 4-5 honest people do come along; but the facts are not going to change, the people that make my life possible do not use computers and they prefer paper, no welfare and an honest days work as their way of life and herbs over drugs and most of all, herbs as prevention.

Once upon a time we had about 600 e-mail addresses and assume Jody may have such a thing yet to this day and those people often change their free e-mail addresses with the wind...always seeking anything such list are about worthless when you are talking future.

My suggestion is this, of those with "interest" or even want a b interest, they will have to send me their physical address, I have no interest in their e-mail address what so ever and no interest in their phone number, etc....because after computer, it will be a "letter" in the mail to addresses we have and when a letter is returned undelivered, that person will be removed from the list.

How often do we send out a letter? Maybe one a year or every 2 years, because if we send out a letter, those type of people keep us busy for at least a full year+ and because of these people on a "physical" list, I have been setting on my finished book, because if I actually do print that book and make it available, I would be too busy, probably forever. While having the same material available for free on the internet is like throwing information to the wind in the computerized world of modern day people that don't read anymore as they see hundreds of thousands of free pages of material on their computers that has "sterilized" them into zombies that never read anymore.....

The MH WAY folder on my website is the perfect to those taking a moment to ask and proof the internet people could care less if they must read and educate them selves and what I call BOOKs II and III the positive proof that people on the internet will never get past BOOK I, they are never going to "read" and those that can't read anymore, can't apply and can't seek more.

I have known some of the so called "smartest" college educated professionals in this country over the past 16 years with "amazing" jobs and degrees out their ##### and not a one of them, could handle what I call BOOK I.....they all would read it in about 2 hours....the way they were trained in college to "SKIM" READ and never understand anything beyond what it took to get a passing grade...

A GOOD BOOK takes a long time to read, a GREAT BOOK you can barely read more than a couple of pages per day...WHY? Because the INFO should be that important to your BRAIN as it is life changing to you...and with computers and college people have been turned into non readers.....computers have made them brain dead to information- OVER LOAD of looking at a TV SCREEN that is rotating at a speed their brain can see which confused the way they think and make use of what they read.

ANYONE that prefers reading a tv screen to a paper book is already too far gone; their brain will never slow down as long as it is addicted to such a life.

YES, it does suck to use expensive paper and expensive mail, but it is "REAL" and what "REAL" people still make use of to this day and what GOVERNMENT wants done away with....

Government has been burning books....all books and in time, common humans will only have access to electronic data that the government allows them to have...thus total control. WHILE GOVERNMENT does stock pile millions of pounds of paper books in their vaults, along with millions of tons of such materials around this world for them selves...the true hoarders of this planet.

BUT for their slave class, they want them 100% electronic, period.....and people have been sucked into the electronic age as the educated turned it into a "tool" to control the way people function.

LOOK at our past 200 years world wide....see how the wealthy has turned people into their slaves....via direct slavery and via education slavery. WHAT ever it takes to get you to do their work.

E-mail is OK, but also a waste of 90% time as people are "floaters" and only a few are serious.

I am not asking for anyone's address and I don't promise we will ever send out another letter, but I am saying those that I do not have their address, I know those will become a thing of our past. The day this computer breaks down, will be my best day yet; because it robs more time than anything else I do and I am so glad I did not grow up in the computerized world and was free in my school days to enjoy life.

If you want your address in my file that I will keep on a piece of "paper", you will have to send it to me:

Otherwise I do not keep any records such as Jody has over the years dealing with people that buy something.

And yes, once I am done with computers, this option is gone. I have no clue when I will be off computers, but I do know I use them less every year and they do break down.

Websites, e-mails, internet all seems "fascinating", pretty and fun at times, but actually something that robs you of your time and a tool that evil people have learned to use well.....predators by the thousands are using the computers today...the cops in every community in the USA today, have stacks upon stacks of reports of their local people that have been robbed because of evil people using computers to gain access to people in their homes and feed them every lie it takes to rob them and these people feel safe because they hide behind electronics....the computer.........this may be the end of the computer age for the common home, because as evil people swamp it, people will learn to never trust anyone e-mailing them again and they know already that virtually every website store can rob they receive trash and not what they were lead to believe they were buying or just plain robbed by fakes that have nothing to really sale and only want your credit card numbers.

Computers/internet was amazing inventions, their only downfall is evil people....predators. People who seek to rob you or control you. I 100% believe the only people in the future that will use computers are the ones as little children were forced to use them in school for 12 years and were tricked with "games" to become "addicted" and this will be their greatest downfall in life....dead heads in the electronic age created by government to control their life 100%. SCHOOLS are a creation that enables slavery and why people today seek to home school and get away from evil government teachers. Government could careless, because their system will punish all who do not comply via $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Those that worship $$$$$ will be forever a slave to it and $$$$ is created by government and is a religion and nothing more.

NOTHING has changed in 2,000 years as far as $$$$ goes.




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