Re: Future by MH
i'm listening MH, I've emailed my address to you.
I hope you don't let yourself get burnt out.
I also hope to read your book whenever you find a way to make it available. I'll be the first in line to buy it.
I won't read books off the internet, I always print them. I already use way too many electronics that "fry" the brain, IMO. I'm glad that there were no computers when I was a child and I had limited access to TV.
I agree, internet and TV are big time-wasters and marketing machines. I do find the internet useful for certain things like reading the news and figuring out how to do things, find owner manuals, etc.
But what really gets to me is that we pay for computers and TV's and pay the monthly cable and internet bills. And what they mainly are is marketing machines for people to try to sell us stuff. And we can never really know what is true and what isn't.