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Re: Some Questions...any advice would be appreciated.
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Re: Some Questions...any advice would be appreciated.

For the first 4 months I was in a 4 low pattern and only took paramin, limcomin, gb3 and taurine. I was only able
to handle 2 complete doses per day.

I never started to feel better until the 5.5 months into the program. It was also at this time that I started again with strong anti parasite herbs. I recovered to about 75% at around the 10 month mark. At the 6 month mark I was able to handle the entire supplement program from ARL. I have been asked not to take any supplements while I am here. Only the digestive aids and meds for sibo.

I have recovered about 20% in the last 2 weeks while treating the sibo that I was never able to get rid of on my own with herbs. I suspect the ozone treatments are taking care of the lyme.

I had a spect scan done here today and my Mexican doctor told me that I have made incredible improvements since I started these treatments. I know he is right because I haven't felt this good in 20 years.

The parasite cleansing is very acidifying. The die off is so toxic and pulls alot of minerals out of the body to neutralize them. I think that is why we crashed so badly after all of the cleansing we did. We really depleted our mineral reserves. Now that my minerals are up I was able to continue cleansing.

Just start with the supplements and ease back if you get really tired. My feeling is you are not that bad if they have started you off on those supplements. Drink lots of water and eat the cleanest diet that you can.

I also did a daily water enema when I felt really toxic. This helped alot.

You will get there. Just take it one day at a time.


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