Yes Blistering Fate you are right. The problem here was that when my adrenals totally crashed in May I had about 5 - 10 percent candida and
parasites still in me. And when I tried killing them off the die off would send me into horrific panic attacks and make my muscles super tense. Like my body was breaking itself down in order to provide the energy get the last bits out. And if I just stopped with everything and "rested" at that wouldn't do me any good. Because now my adrenals were fully exhausted and yet my fight or flight was still being activated constantly b/c of the toxins that were circulating in my blood. And I could feel that I had just a little bit left in me! And if I just let my adrenals "rest" they wouldn't really be resting at all b/c they were already fully exhausted and I still had infections in me.
That is the catch 22 situation when the adrenals are FULLY exhausted to the point that you cannot get out of bed and walk and you STILL have some infections in you. At that point, if you just stop are gonna go no place. However, if I stopped all of the detoxes and candida/
parasite killing right BEFORE I crashed...when my adrenals still had some reserve in them....then I could have saved them by resting them and maybe do some NB. But I had NO IDEA that my adrenals were in such a fragile state! I just attributed feeling very tired to the die off. But I was literally running on the little adrenaline I had left. I had to study for all of these tests in school and could only focus if I used up the little adrenaline I had left to stay up all night and cram! My body was running on negative energy. And then I crashed right before finals week :)
So this past June I was just bed ridden and still had those infections in me. And I felt like I wasn't going anywhere...even while resting. So what I chose to do was go on Lam's protocol....for it to atleast give my adrenals some reserve to deal with the purging of the intestines. And when I say purging I do mean purging. I could see white strings the sludge that I would eliminate in my bowel movements. And I would feel less and less toxic each time....yet still exhausted. And what the Lam supplements did for me was give me that extra boost in the mornings and afternoons to go and kill off of what was left. And in July, August, September, October that's exactly what I was doing. All of the adrenal focus was going to relieving my body of the toxins inside me.
But for the past two weeks I have just been getting worse and worse adrenally. I noticed that as soon as I would take the vitamin c/b5 muscles would get very tense and my collagen was being broken down for energy. I feel like those supplements instead of giving me the boost they used to...have been in turn shutting me down! But candida/
parasite wise I feel over 99 percent healed! But now it is hard for me to even walk around the house...and at night I get horrible nightmares and delusions like I am being killed...and I wake up with my muscles super tense like they are burning.
Now I have no choice but to "rest" b/c I no longer am getting any boost from any supplements I take...and actually feel more depleted from them! I hear that people who have clearance issues have trouble with all of the vitamin c and b5 that they get from Lam's supplements...and I suppose that's what happened with me b/c of the constipation I got during die off.
I guess I got lucky in the sense that it was towards the end of my healing journey that I crashed. People who do not get better from NB probably still have a full load of parasites/candida and/or metals in them. I just honestly don't see how NB allows the adrenals to "rest" when they are still constantly being activated into fight or flight by the infections and toxins. Atleast that's how I felt. I needed that "boost" in order to deal with what was left....and now can finally "rest".
If I would have just started on NB in June I don't think I woulda had the patience sticking with it knowing that I still had work to do in the gut department. I thought that it would probably take me soo much longer to heal had I done that at that point.