13 y
Status: R [Message
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Warning MEAL/FOOD talk
Relative to previous post, I would like to share a feeding strategy, concerning meal size and food enjoyment, not for the least.
Adults very often have a super-sized appetite, responsible for huge meal portions. I have had some experience with that too, even though I have always been around or below BMI 19-20.
I find it very productive to exclude other distractions while eating - even music, even talks, and especially TV, movies, news etc. With other stuff in mind, I just do not pay attention to the food, and after its eaten I would feel as if I did not eat at all, if not for the fulness under my ribs.
Paying undivided attention on the feeding process and chewing slowly (about 20 times each bite, yes, 20!) makes you enjoy food so much more and makes you eat so much less ..... !
BTW, my first meal of thin potato broth with one potato inside, no salt, just a pinch of finely cut parsley felt like a real feast! I am not kidding!
Best of success,