Re: Food allergy/ intolerance and Mirena
I also developed
food intolerances while using Mirena.
I had the Mirena placed Sept of 08 and had no problems until Dec of 2010. I started to get sever cramping which led me to the Dr where I heard the same song and dance as all of you. Could'nt be the Mirena. An ultrasound was done everything looked normal.The cramping subsided. Spring of 2011 I started to have dizzy spells, anxity attacks, brain fog,blurry vision, shortness of breath, and heart palpatations. Through out that summer those symtoms would come and go.In Sept of 2011 I started to have terrible nausea and URQ pain. I was loosing a ton of weight and was sick to my stomach everyday. Like morning sickness. In Nov of 2011 I went to the ER with the URQ pain thinking it had to be my gallbladder. They did an ultrasound and it was normal.I then had a Hida Scan which showed a low fuctioning gallbladder. I went to see a surgon who said he would take my gallbladder but was not sure if that would help me.He thought I should look into
food intolerances . I was so sick at that point I went ahead with the surgery. The pain never went away. I Feb of 2012 I went to see a holistic Dr. He suspected high cortisol levels and ran a sliva test that showed my cortisol level was very high. The test also showed a high gliadin level. Gliadins are polypeptides found in grain glutens. I took the gluten and dairy out of my diet and with in 3 weeks the URQ pain was gone. I only have pain when I am unknowingly exposed. I now take quite a few Standard Process supplements and a cocktail for my adrenals.
He also suggested having the Mirena removed. I at this point still had not connected my symtoms to the Mirena. I stumbled upon this sight and began reading stories just like mine.
I did have the Mirena removed in June and have had some crash symtoms new and old. At 4 months post removal I still have some bad days but all in all things are looking up.
This sight has helped me through some pretty tough days. Thank you all for sharing your stories.