Re: Die-off or cold?
I'm one of them, however, which comes first, cholestasis or Candida. What causes the cholestasis, diet or other factors in the medical literature like
Antibiotics , pregnancy, birth control pills, etc? The list is long.
I think we both agree that the liver is compromised when Candida is present, but disagree on how to eradicate Candida while restoring liver function.
Since the liver isn't producing enough bile, it cannot digest fats and meats. You propose avoiding fats and meats which might reduce the symptoms, but doesn't address the problem.
My experience has been that high carb, low fat diets do reduce the symptoms, but don't get rid of the problem. I wasn't fixed until I did a combination of restoring bile flow (Liver Flush) and killing yeast (tanalbit). When the condition is as severe as it is for many on this forum, as it was for me, diet alone won't cut it.