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Re: Die-off or cold?
Ruffneck Views: 3,385
Published: 13 y
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Re: Die-off or cold?


Old post with my liver detoxification results.
Phase 1 : Glycination (1.3-3.5) 8.6 HIGH
Phase 1 : Glucuronide (1.9-4.2) 9.1 HIGH
These two ratios reflect the relationship between Phase I and these conjugation (detox?) pathways and will demonstrate whether the biochemical load from Phase 1 is high or low.

these are the ones you need to watch out for as the liver changes toxins into other forms (phase 1) which can be later expelled but if the phase 2 is slow then these toxins are not expelled fast but are continually running around the body causing brain fog, fatigue and other vague illness symptoms.

Personally my problem is keeping my stress levels under control, when i do get high stress i will get bloating, excess gas, indigestion etc.This is because stress affects the digestive system and causes less stomach acid to be created also it damages the liver.It is easy to get stuck in a stress loop where the more you stress the worse your condition becomes.


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