Today my husband got some pyrethrin flea do from rural first the stuff seemed to do some good but it was daytime. Come the nite the monsters came out again with a vengeance. My talks they left on me are now sores that are I sit he I have on sulfur, olive clove oil on my entire bodywith Noxema. I also rubbed garlic into my skin.they at still pelting me buy not biting. Agree the bug guy tearing and us spraying the new cocktail they are on the soon I lay in the bed they began pelting me and feeding. today practically saturated the carpet. They at impossible to kill right away.everyone aura me they well die. Still washing all soft items and clothing and bedding. When they jump on me I roll the garlic on them and kill them before they reach my knees. This if exhausting. Tim I am calling the doctor before I accidentally kill myself with all this bug spray. Which by the way us also on is like they die them they assist and the spray is no pinger any good.we dipped our dog and cat tonight to.nothing is working. I will ask the doctor to give me these creams.ivermectin, sulfur man and pyrethrin.I am very miserable.well PDT ate I see of these work then so they will die.