Re: zinc crashed me, how did you handle it?
interesting, Onwards. I'm glad you brought this to my attention because I forgot that there was a bit of zinc in the limcomin. I don't take that right now, haven't for about 3 weeks. When I did take it the amount worked out to about 30 or 40 mg zinc per day and I remember the one time I tried to go higher (to the full dose recommended) I did crash!
But I was ok on less, like around 40 mg a day. So with the megapan and straight zinc, last week I was taking less than 40 mg.
this means I must have just happen to release something super toxic that my adrenals couldn't deal with very well.
That or the thyro complex was too strong with the adrenal cortex in it. But I never felt too stimulated, just super toxic.
My nutritionist keeps telling me that based on my symptoms I seem to be releasing something really nasty, like a neurotoxin derived from an old vaccine for instance.
This is all so fascinating.
Thanks for the feedback. I am just thinking out loud now, but if anyone else has any insight I am glad to hear it.