No orgasms since 18, do anyone have this?
I havent had a real orgasm since maybe 18 years old. I do remember them to exist even in earlier years but from 17 to now not a real one. I remember the sensation, which was very potent and pleasurable, a delicious and sweeping tide. I am very aware this has to do with all my other symptoms, adrenal fatigue, heavy metal toxicity, malabsorption, hormone dysregulations and defficiencies, genetic mutations etc
Anyway, as you can imagine my life its horrible in a way "orgasmic" or sexua| people cannot fully apprehend (I do not have erections or libido either). I have 21 years old and a virgin because of the sudden onset of sexua| dysfunctions when I was starting to have relationships with women, which I started to have at 18 because of being Asperger. I had my first ejaculation with a woman having this problem already, even while at that time I had still a bit more of sensation, and that makes me so sad, like I was the only one that enjoyed myself lol lonely thing if you think about it. This asexuality its kind of forcing me to have a monastic life that I didnt ask for. Everyone knows one of the main primum mobile of humanity its sex, even while its true that today society its heavily oversexualised.
I was curious to see if anyone else in CureZone has anorgasmia, no orgasms or very very weak ones, like a slight pleasant feeling similar to peeing after waiting much for it. Can you get this from adrenal fatigue or heavy metal toxicity? Indeed, the pleasure of the arousal its the only thing that remains as attractive for me in the sexua| function, even while its greatly diminished as well and more everyday. It has been an steady decline. The last year I had much more libido and erections, and the year before more than that year etc But I didnt have orgasms already by that time.
My ejaculations usually are even uncomfortable, in rare ocassions slightly painful. As I said, I didnt suffer from this before age 18 or so. At that age I started using a 20% aluminum antiperspirant that I used frequently for two years and did very stupid penis enlargement exercises for a month? some weeks? I dont remember, but I did them at 18 and never repeated. The results are what we have today in these forums as Blistering Fate. Well, that and genetic mutations plus vaccines, because I was unhappy, autistic and morbid all my "life". However, I have researched the topic and although its true you can develop a penis or pelvic injury called hard flaccid from penis exercises (which I have and its 100% healable) , no one mentions lacking orgasms and a lot of the guys with an injury from those exercises still have libido, some even frequent erections. Thats what make me wonder what can be the source of the anorgasmia.
I do think aluminum and mercury (and other HM´s) f***ed up my mind, digestive system, hormonal glands, dopamine etc and I finished the job with a mechanical damage.
I have experimented with a lot of aphrodisiacs and tonics. Maca and Horny Goat Weed seem to be the best in terms of results vs price. With those I could regain some erections, libido and even a bit of orgasm for a while ( for example maca does increase ehem... the bulk), somewhat proving my problem its not simply physiological but related at least in part with hormones and neurotransmitters, nitric oxide defficiency, low androgens, very low ALL adrenal hormones, high estrogen, low free testosterone(I have tons of test with the same results again and again) Indeed I kind of started my "medical odyssey" because of a very, very low, in the femenine rage, free testosterone blood test result. The best gains I have ever made in the orgasm department was when I had a testosterone undecanoate shot that was supposed to last months and the next day of the shot I had half of what I remember was the normal feeling of a mediocre orgasm back in the day. I can only think that this boosted my free or bioavailable testosterone temporally.
Thoughts? Or just want to share your experience and research about anorgasmia or sexua| dysfunction associated to your condition? Plase feel free to do it.
PD: Oh I and I will receive the NB supplements this Monday. Customs wanted their slice of cake. I have supps for two months. If this doesnt makes a significant change in me, my parents are talking about giving up with me, at least my mother. So far, all the other things in the protocol (and I am doing most of them) are helping to detox and I feel like mentally, spiritually different, but no change in the sexua| function. I really hope Nutritional Balancing with time can restore my prematurely aged, toxic and depleted inside. I do walk usually like old men do, putting both hands at the low back-kidney region. Its something that I do spontaneously and I have read they do so because it kind of gives a bit of chi energy to their exhausted kidneys (sexual organs for chinese).