Be aware that copper toxicity has a cause. And this cause lies deeper than an excessive nutritional intake of copper itself.
It is very unlikely that only copper is a problem. The whole come up of copper toxicity in the population is based on envirnomental pollution of so called superoxidizers. These are mercury and lead. These two metals oxidize copper, making it biounavailable to the body. The body then tries to bind them via the adrenals, the adrenals will work 24h / 7 days a week to bind this toxic ionic copper but will fail in the end. Then the body get emergency system doing its job and storing the copper inside tissues and organs. So you need to understand that copper isn't the cause for copper toxicity and only removing copper will lead you nowhere because new oxidized copper will build up quickly.
This isn't meant harsh. But most people don't realize why copper became a problem for them. They then just start eleminating copper from the diet and removing copper from the body, but this is no solution to the problem.