Re: Mouthwash For Plaque Removal?
Hello Beesting,
Thank you for your detailed response. I greatly appreciate it. I will get busy this week with the Magnesium Chloride. I will do more research on the net to see what else it might be able to help me with. I have a lot in/on me to clean up it seems like. Not that I don't take care of myself but, apparently I didn't take as good care as I thought. I have gum issues, had a blocked aorta in 2001 that sent me into emergency surgery. They put a test stent good for 5 years in (11 years ago). They look at the stent every year and it seems to be doing fine. However, they don't look at the rest of my blood flow. Although there are no indicators (there were no indications prior to that surgery day either). I would just like to do something to clean my veins out. Thought if I could see the plaque or feel the plaque disappear on my teeth and under the gum line I would feel more confident that something was working to clean plaque that may be in the veins as well (maybe illogical but, maybe not).
I started the
Iodine protocol last month for the hypothyroid.
I have started with Hydrogen Peroxide swishing to clear up some of the gum stuff. After starting the HP I also started the Oil Pull therapy using Coconut Oil (have only been doing that for a week now). My teeth already feel cleaner and it seems like the oil keeps food from sticking to them (could be my imagination or not). I still don't quite understand how this oil pulling thing does what it does as my mind has somewhat of a block on that. Oil to me means clog which is why I won't do the ingesting it the way some people do. I will see the hygienist again in December and hopefully she will verify the improvement I think is happening.
I am glad to hear that the pollen shots seem to have worked well for both of your concerns. The Mouthwash title is what caught my initial attention on your earlier posts. Then through reading them your arthritic hands did immediately catch my interest. Although the pollen shots sound like they worked on the slow as you go side. Slow is better than no solution for it.
I feel like I have waited so late in life to really look at what I should be doing to take better care of myself that I now feel anxious to get results. Taking as long as I have to respond to your wonderful response you might wonder about that. I do research everything next to exhaustion and still feel I have not looked into it enough when I finally starting doing something. And now it seems I may be doings so much that I won't really know what is helping or if it all is playing a part. Although I am aware my teeth feel cleaner since swishing HP and food seems to not cling to them since starting the oil pull. Both of those things are suppose to have additional benefits as well. Now working in the Magnesium Chloride will be interesting. But, of course, I have to look at the possible collisions of these things combined to insure I don't do more damage than good.
Thanks once again Beesting for your response.