Re: Mouthwash For Plaque Removal?
Dear Curezone Readers,
I have been working with removal of free floating calcium masses from my body for some time now. Why? For the immune system uses calcium to make minimal repairs, capture and encircle anomalies like bacteria, cancer and virus type invaders of all kinds. The immune system also deposits calcium laminations throughout the skelton body parts, due to over work or play, which I call c-patches. And if that were not enough bad news about calcium misuse in body, the immune system further coats the teeth with dental plaque too. This is the only visible calcium plaque in the body, all other calcium plaque deposits are better known as arthritis. Yes, the material is very hard to remove, but it can be removed via Magnesium Chloride. What I have gathered so far is that one molecule of magnesium can remove 6 molecules of calcium at one passing! Why is this important? Well I have been taking MgCl for 3 three years now, but in small doses every night (see formula below)! Medical doctors know this, but dentist do not want it to get out to the general public. Nor do the toothpaste manufactures either. The answer is obvious Doctors do not care, but dentists would not earn easy money cleaning teeth on every patient they have! The formula is not absolute, but cleaning teeth will be still required about once every 5 years or so!
Magnesium Chloride is a most useful medicine to take by itself Liquid, pill or as a body-wipe). Online browsers will quickly discover small doses of MgCl can help breakup calcium stones in the kidneys urine and gall bladder. (actually it is a tea called chanca piedra that does most of the stone breaking work, not MgCl by itself). The great news is by taking nightly just 1
oz (25ml) of Mgcl solution – (30grams of crystals dissolved in 1000ml of cleanest water possible) this 3 percent concentration of MgCl (human grade only) will remove all laminates of unprocessed animal grease within the digestive tract before the next day arrives (note; your body will want to release waste material within the colon early the next morning). Why is this important? When a person eats meat of any kind, the animal unprocessed proteins will coat the entire digestive tract because they cannot all be completely processed by the stomach acids – YEP, from mouth to colon sphincter muscle all grease lmainations are washed away nightly with 3 percent MgCl solution. And within and under these laminates of unprocessed meat proteins or fats, the immune system cannot penetrate through to defend the body parts properly! And under fat laminates are the best places for cancers and bacteria’s and virus to hide! By removing these laminates of fat with MgCl you expose all the bacteria’s virus and cancers virus attached to the lining of the digestive tract – including the entire colon itself! By exposing them, the immune system can take quick action and attack and remove them! The bonus for eating less meat, and more plant materials is a fully operational digestive system!
And if not having to remove dental plaque, each year, were not enough of a benefit for taking in MgCl nightly – the urinary sphincter (attached to the organs exit point – where urine leaves the body -- it will be wiped clean nightly of it grease and calcium deposits too! This little nightly cleansing act allow the urinary bladder´s sphincter to take in MgCl directly into the muscle itself (remember each Mg molecule takes away 6 molecules of calcium if present)! Why is this cleaning out of this sphincter muscle so important? It becomes very important with adults over 50 years of age, for a huge percent of these individuals begin involuntary wetting in the streets and must wear diapers for the rest of their lives. This old age wetting action is caused by the immune system´s placement of encrusting calcium laminates within this urinary muscle – i.e., a person with an calcium encrusted sphincter muscle cannot close it completely, thus it leaks!
take 1
oz of Magnesium Chloride nightly -- first a little bit of the liquid into the mouth to wash your teeth with tongue or brush (can spit it out). Then take rest of 1
oz liquid into stomach following with an orange nightly. When taking a small orange or fruit along with MgCl, you trick the stomach into immediater action -- food, which gets the gall bladder into motion. The MgCl that gets into the bladder (about 4 percent) should enter the sphincter muscle while passing.I can not prove this will happen, but know that lots of calcium mateirals leave the body due to chanca piedra (lots of internet info of this subject).
Here is how to trick urinary bladder´s sphincter muscle into a short ´open and closing´ typeexercise of sorts. Of course, one must have been taking nightly 1 to 2 liters of Chanca Piedra and the 1oz (25ml) of 3 percent magnesium Chloride as directed above. Yep you will be going to the bathroom often in the night time! When urinating, pinch off the urinary channel i.e. end of penile with fingers (for women more difficult but possible) for a few seconds only. The urinary bladder will ´freak out, ´ then apply lots of internal pressure to release remaining liquids from itself. Hold liquids back from escaping, only for a second or two, release and hold back, repeat 5 times or more – then let the urine flow out unrestricted. What you have done is open your sphincter muscle long enough, allowing both MgCl and Chanca Piedra medicines to pass through. If any encrusting calcium is exposed on surfaces of muscle or within, these two medicines will have removed them over time. Please note, there are no surgeries for fixing the sphincter muscle todate.
Just think of all the doctor bills you will not need to pay by taking MgCl nightly. I have 19 letters in curezone, a simple search would catch them at: curezone beesting.
Note, when mixing MgCl crystals in pure water use plastic only, no metals of any kind