I always tell people not to restrict their carbohydrates too much. Your body lives on the same thing that feeds candida, carbohydrates and sugar. Cutting carbs can give you intense cravings for sugars and unhealthy carbohydrates as you have experienced. I don't recommend cutting carbs at all but if you want to reduce the amount of carbs in your diet, you can try that, focus on things like whole grain brown rice, quinoa and mung beans. You should cut out sugars and all other junk, no white flours (flours in general can cause problems), many people don't eat fruit because it causes candida flare-ups. Experiment with some diets and see what works for you. Everyone will tell you that you have to follow this or that diet but everyone is different. Some people claim that a strict zero-carb candida diet has helped them eliminate candida completely but these are few and far between, most people that try to control candida with these diets end up worse than they were at the beginning. It sounds like anti-fungals are not the way to go with you, you can try something more mild like oregano. Being physically active can be helpful but you have to eat properly if you will be very physically active.