Candida Diet...Second Try...Desperately need advice!
Hello everyone.
I'm a 24/f, and have had numerous issues for the last few years, from dry skin and chapped lips, to major anxiety, to widespread pain, to debilitating brain fog, forgetfulness, and a non-existent attention span. The final blow was the hair loss at my hairline, the sudden thinning of which scared and horrified me. After useless doctors and lots of personal research, I came across Candidiasis. It all sounded too familiar. For a while, I put off further exploration, because the diet just didn't seem doable, but after recurring vaginal yeast infections and giving into modern medicine via filling my Rx for Diflucan, something amazing occurred -- within minutes my pain went away, and I almost suddenly seemed to be cured of what medicine has labeled "Attention Deficit Disorder." I almost immediately adopted "the diet" (well, one of them at least...), as I figured the drug & diet combo could really be the answer to all my ills. I lasted about a week, and it was mostly a great week, despite the hunger; my brain was never sharper, which is one of my most pressing issues, as I plan to pursue Academia. But by that next Saturday, I was in the ER, hooked up to a saline IV, and discussing my issues with a regular doctor who was actually not terrible about the whole thing. My stools were loose the duration of the diet, and I ended up quite seriously dehydrated. I was done with the diet -- at least for the time being.
Long story short, after I was cleared to go home, I ended up going on a junk food bender, having deprived myself for what seemed like an eternity. Cravings for stuff I swore I'd never eat again years ago (think HFCS-laden) consumed me, and often, I gave in. But with school returning, I knew I had to give getting rid of this nightmare another go, though this time I'd ween myself off the carbs, rather than go cold turkey. Since the vaginal yeast infections naturally also returned, I figured I'd give the Diflucan another try for starters, despite my aversion to synthetic medicine, mostly because I'd experienced it before and was fine. Well, perhaps the poor diet and alcohol consumption the week before is to blame, but I ended up having a horrific reaction to the medication, and for anyone who is unfamiliar, it stays in one's system for an entire week, so that was an entire week of adverse reaction. Awesome, right? I also don't think it helped me much with my candida issues, and now I'm thoroughly confused as what to do about the diet. The one I followed initially was very strict -- no fruits outside of a bit of green apple, including the ones we recognize as vegetables -- and none of those could be starchy. Another issue for me is caloric intake: I'm a vegetarian, and underweight to begin with; on this diet, I nearly emaciate.
Can anyone steer me in a direction that would help me eliminate my candida overgrowth without me consequently dehydrating or starving to death? There's just so much conflicting information on the net that I don't even know where to begin. I'd appreciate it so, so much!