Re: so let me get this straight
i dont do bananas or soy. and i do eat organic certified. the difference between organic bananas and regular ones is phenomenal. same with everything else in my opinion.
soy is the most polluted food on the planet. it is genetically modified, drenched in roundup, fed chemical fertilizers, and srayed with pesticides. the process for making lecithin, the only soy product i will touch, also includes nasty chemicals for extraction. it, quite frankly, is a nasty product, but one which i believe is essntial to good health as mh has pointed out.
therefor, i have taken it upon myself to investigate and lo and behold, just a couple of years ago, clarkson soy products out of cerro gourdo illinois developed and began producing the first organic lecithin on the planet that is commercially available. it is 100% organic certified and kosher and meets usda, EU, and japanese standards.
i contacted these fine folks and obtained a sample of this product. it is heaven on earth. it has none of the after tase of the stuff i bought in a local amish store. it is smooth and creamy and dissolves completely on the tongue. the bouquet from the palate is one of the freshest finest cleanest mown hay. it is, in a word, gorgeous.
it is available from clarkson - - and a one gallon bucket is
$168.40 plus shipping and handling. if this cost a person $200 delivered, it has 256 tablespoons in it or 512 daily doses mixed 50/50 with a fine organic virgin olive oil. the lecithin cost would be 40 cents perday and the olive oil would add another ten cents for a total of fifty cents per day for 512 days. this is perfect because they give the average shelf life of the product at 18 months. 50 cents per day for the finest in liver support and with no chemicals whatsoever. praise god. i am doing this as soon as possible and get some friends involved as well.
i have stayed out of the organic debate on this forum because i think mh is ultimately correct. but i am going by his method here, not on the say so of some salesman. just like tasting a fruit and if it is good you will know, i have done the comparison here and there is no way i would choose the other lecithin over the organic. my personal impression is that if the benefit from the mix is 100, with the non organic lecithin i am only getting about 60 of that because of the harm of the other. with the organic lecithin, i feel that i would gain 100 instead. same with the olive oil. if it is not organic but the lecithin is, the gain would come down to 80 or so. if both were non organic, i think you would be below 50, maybe as low as 30, and i dont think doubling up would increase your benefit that much, because you also double up the toxins.
if it were something as transient as a fresh orange, no problem - i eat/juice non-organic oranges all the time. but there are some things i wont touch unless its organic, apples being one of them. they are coated with fluoride and then sealed with wax. no frickin way for me. blueberries and cranberries and cherries are likewise poisoned. and for something i am going to do every single day the rest of my life!? i am not going to add the poisons of the soy industry and its masters monsanto and con(operative word) agra to my mrs barefoot and lower bowel balance and pure wild oregano oil and the rest of my lifestyle. it just aint gonna happen.