I think my diet would qualify as a GAPS diet without the kefir. I also eat a hot raw egg drink with bone broth. Come to think of it my diet is mostly Gaps. I never did the intro but I spent 2 weeks last winter just eating the bone broth soup loaded with veggies and ground beef.
I know my gut has healed alot. However I don't think I spent enough time with probiotics and then maintain with cultured foods. Cambell mcBride claims gaps people must take probiotics for life. This is where I dropped the ball because I quit the supps and then quit the fermented foods. The kefir was constipating and my teeth were so sensitive last year I couldn't handle the kraut. I certainly never took the probiotics for 6 months like she suggested.
Thanks for the Solaray recommendation. The biokult is expensive. We just ordered 10 bottles(discount) and then we will hopefully find a cheaper brand.