I'm sorry for what you're going through! If you had problems with candida you probably also have leaky gut...? So maybe stay away from all grains for a while(?) how about nuts? Could you soak and dehydrate some to make them easier to digest? They could help with weight gain-- although you don't want to overdo it because they are hard to digest.
Do you eat meat? What about some sweet potatoes or winter squash for more calories? Are you eating enough fat-- coconut oil, grass- fed butter or ghee?
Simple carbs often give me anxiety. I agree, anxiety is horrible.
You've made a lot of changes lately so it may be hard to tell what is causing what...
Have you considered trying the hair mineral analysis and nutritional balancing program? Once I started, it helped me to feel better because I was on a particular plan as opposed to in the past when I was trying every type of healing diet and supplement.