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Re: WF - 30 of 35 days +edit
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 1,324
Published: 13 y
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Re: WF - 30 of 35 days +edit

Hi Anne,

I tend to agree with Chris about the re-feeding. If your mineral reserves were low- and they are for anyone who is not in the best health- then it takes some sustained attention at restoring these. I now do a kind of *condensed intermittent fasting*, which seems ideal to me. It is essentially fasting for nineteen hours out of every 24. In effect, it means I eat one meal--and that one is the evening meal.
Or possibly two smaller ones, within that five hour period.

I feel it gives the body lots of time to clean house, and work slowly and steadily at maintaining and constantly rebuilding health, (since there is an onslaught of external factors affecting us all), while allowing me to stay in tune with what the body really wants, (as opposed to programming)on any given day. Most often, it is fruits and vegetables. Occasionally, some fish or an egg. Lots of seaweed, good oils, nuts and seeds... I find the body needs less and less--but first, it needs to replenish the mineral stores; it is that balance that makes everything run optimally, and one can get the most of minute portions of this and that. And in fact, thrive.

Well done on your focus!

****edit--just saw your response to Chris. Well, you're a pioneer, for certain. I'm not sure what to make of the 3/1 plan--in terms of its effects. For me,the boomerang effect would be quite stressful to the body, to my body, I think--but perhaps not at all, to yours. Hope you are keeping some good notes on your experience, day to day.

There are myriad ways to go...
Best, Chiron


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